Friday, April 23, 2010

Regional Compition

The compition forms are now out for the regional comp which will take place on Sunday 6th June at Ashington Lesiure Centre, NE63 8HP. If you are intresting in competing please collect a form from Lisa.

New Leotards

Our new leotards are now available at Dancing Dreams which is based at 130 Whitby Street South Hartlepool, TS24 7LP. Tel 01429 282 439. Leotard from £36. (please specify Hartlepool Trampoline Club when ordering)

Session Spaces

There are now spaces on our Tuesday and Friday trampoline courses. Anyone intrested, please call Linsey on 078254 11122 :)

Thursday, April 01, 2010


Come and join our Easter egg hunt 12pm Saturday 3rd April. Only 50p and special discounted rate for Saturday afternoon sessions only £2.50 HAPPY EASTER!
Please let everyone you can know!

P.s. next comp at Ashington June 6th Ask for entry form in class!
Lisa ;)