Thursday, January 26, 2006

Last nights training

Last night was a little different we planned the training to include a lot of stretching, exercise and strenghening and we had a few grumpy faces because of that.
However what we saw in just over an hour was a huge improvement! By the end of the session so many more of you were thinking about the move you were working on and phasing the move (shape of take off, flight and landing). We are going to do a yearly timetable and plan sessions to include more of this aswell as other sessions specifically geared towards different activities and skills. We hope after thinking about it you noticed a change yourself at the end of last night. The majority worked really hard!
Some are questioning the importance of flexibility, fitness and strength but these things are vital for your success in ANY sport and activity and if these factors are included in training the benefits will come back and most certainly will show in competition scores!

If you come 15 minutes early, we can warm up on the floor before moving on to the trampolines. Some have said that it eats in to class time, but as you can see from reading the paragraph above, this IS part of class time and a very important one.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Well done to everyone who competed on Sunday at Washington! It was a great day and we managed to pick up 7 trophies which was fantastic even though the judging has really toughened up! So don't be disappointed if your scores were lower than the last comp as just about everyone is in the same boat. We were proud to bits of all of you!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Washington competition

Good luck to everyone competing in the graded comp at Washington tomorrow!

Have fun and enjoy it. See you all there.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Hello everyone, as some of you will know Linsey and I went on a judging validation course last night at Temple Park. The reason they are doing this is because the standard of trampolinig has risen so much the judges are getting a lot tougher. So now all judges need to re-validate once every 4 years after the Olympics.
Some of the rules have changed and it has made it a lot more difficult to qualify for the next grade. The difference in the marks has been around 0.7 so for example if you scored 7.7 from one judge at the last comp you are now likely to receive 7.0! Tough I know, but in turn the standard of bouncing should increase.
This also means FLEXIBILITY is all the more important now especially on pikes as the judges are wanting to see the nose on the knees practically to earn a zero deduction. So bear that in mind when you lot all groan when we make you stretch on the floor before bouncing!!!
We may even have another flexibility competition!

Also some of you may wonder where the 5th trampoline has got to! We are still getting another one but Apollos new tramp hasn't arrived yet so they need ours for the competition. The new date for delivery will be a week on Saturday.
See you all tommorrow night. If anyone is having a real problem getting to Washington on Sunday let us know.


Sunday, January 01, 2006


Well, in total including ticket sales and raffle takings. Our christmas party managed to raise £625 for the club!!!
Well done to all your efforts!

See you all on Saturday!